
Vorlesung im Detail

Differential Equations with Time Delay

011438, SS19
Dozentinnen und Dozenten
Veranstaltungstyp (SWS)
Spezialvorlesung (2+1)
Ort und Zeit
  • M/511 Mi 12:00 2h
Modul-Zugehörigkeit (ohne Gewähr)
  • DPL:E:-:-
  • DPL:B:-:2
  • MABA:-:4:MAT-438
  • TMABA:-:4:MAT-438
  • WIMABA:-:4:MAT-438
Sprechstunde zur Veranstaltung
nach Vereinbarung
ohne Angabe
Gewünschte Vorkenntnisse
Numerik I
Theory of delay differential equations 1. Existence and uniqueness solutions of DDEs 2. Location of the discontinuity, smoothing of the solution, and vanishing and non-vanishing delays 3. Neutral delay differential equations(NDDEs) 4. Stability analysis of DDEs We will emphasise the similarities and differences between DDEs and ordinary differential equations. Students will learn also how to solve constant DDEs with dde23 in Matlab and the state dependent delays with ddesd in Matlab .
Link zum Modulhandbuch Mathematik
Empfohlene Literatur
  • No text book is specified but the following reference books may be of some use and help:
  • - A. Bellen, M. Zennaro, Numerical methods for delay differential equations, Clarendon Press, 2003
  • - R. Driver, Ordinary and delay differential equations, Springer-Velrag, 1977
  • - H. Smith, An introduction to delay differential equations with applications to the life sciences, Springer-Verlag, 2011

Übung zur Veranstaltung

Nummer der Übung
  • M919/921 Do 14:00 1h

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